logo METEObarbastro

Current Conditions Barbastro Location

Date: 14:20 on 15/10/24

Current temperature:20.9°C

Max.: 21.1°C (11:19) Min.: 17.8°C (4:53)

Wind: 0 km/hr from the N

Gust: 0 km/hr

Today's High Wind: 0 km/hr (0:00)

Humidity: 35%

Pressure: 1016.24 hPa (Estable)

Pressure Rate: -0.000 hPa/hr

Dew Point: 4.9°C

Wind Chill: 20.6°C

Heat Index (feels like): 20.9°C

Comfort Level: Comfortable

Temperature Rate: 0.28°C/hr

Rainfall Totals

Hourly Rain: 0.00 mm

Daily Rain: 0.00 mm

Monthly Rain: 2.90 mm

Yearly Rain: 400.31 mm



Moon Phase: 92%

Sunrise: 8:14 Sunset: 19:19

Moonrise: 18:19 Moonset: 5:23


METEObartastro is a website which shows the actual weather conditions in Barbastro.

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WebCam Barbastro

WebCam / Camera Web is place Barbastro, Bacamorta´s gully. Low connection: Refresh 40 seconds.

Weather Map

Mapa del Tiempo Europa


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